Bingo Blast

Event date: 
Sunday, February 2, 2025 - 13:30
Event Coordinator: Deb Lanpher
Check In: 1:00 p.m.  
Event time: 2:00 p.m. 
Venue: West Des Moines Elks Lodge
  2060 NW 94th St., Clive 
Doors Open:  12:30 pm  -- Deb will be there at 12:30pm to hopefully save tables.  Fills up fast!! 
  Bingo Entrance is on the West Side of the Building.
Event Details:

We will still be playing 28 games which includes three special games and one $1,000 progressive blackout game. 

1.  No outside food allowed

2.  No Self-serve Beverages

3.  Pizza, Pop, Coffee, Water, Candy bars and Chips will be served

4.  Last game will be the Progressive Blackout

5.  We reserve the right to make adjustments to Our Rules as needed for Future sessions

Bingo is open to the public and we have a capacity of over 80 players! We have three large 52" Bingo Screens!

Join us and try your luck...

Cost: It costs about ($1) dollar per game!  Our special $25 value packet gets you all of the regular games, three special games plus our progressive jackpot black-out game!  That's 28 games, 134-cards of Bingo! Includes: 28 Games (3 cards each) and approximately 2 & 1/2 hours of entertainment, that's 28 chances to win $30 or more per game (The more players we have the more money we pay!), 24 regular games, 3 $60+ Special game prizes, plus a chance at our Progressive Blackout Jackpot of up to $1,000! 

A few reminders: Players need to be 18 years of age or older.  No one under 18 is allowed in the Bingo Hall during sessions. Each person needs to purchase a packet in order to join us for the evening. No splitting of packets. Must have the last number called to have a valid Bingo!

Cards & Daubers! The games are on paper cards. You can bring colored daubers with you - or we have some available for sale - only $2.75 each.

No Credit Cards! Due to State laws we are unable to accept credit cards but an ATM machine is available in the building!


RSVP Info:

Please RSVP by noon on November 8th so we can provide the restaurant with a head count.

You can RSVP using one of the following methods:

  • Go to --  Clock on the event on the calendar -- then the RSVP button
  • Use the HOGSCAN app.  Find the event on the calendar icon then click on the thumbs-up button




Both members and non-members should check in with the road captain/event coordinator as soon as they arrive to the meeting location/event.  It is required that the non-member riders and passengers sign-in and sign the release waiver to participate in the chapter event.  Per our chapter charter, and for insurance reasons, we are required to have 1 more registered member over the guest count(i.e. 15 members and 14 guests) at an event.  In the event that we do not meet these guidelines the road captain or event coordinator will ask the last guest to sign in, who were not pre-registered on DSMHOG.COM, to not participate in this event.

Event location:
205 Annex Rd
Madrid IA 50156

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.